DPI Awards
DPI Best of Show “I Can Fly” Brian Matti
DPI Award “Ready For My Closeup” Lorraine Matti
DPI Award “Watch Works” Ira Marcus
DPI Award “Pretty Mum” Larry Huck
DPI HM “Stretching My Wings” Brian Matti
DPI HM “I’ve Only Just Begun” Larry Huck
DPI HM “Relaxed Red Tail” Lorraine Matti
DPI HM “Colorful Reflection” Lorraine Matti
Print Competition Awards
Sm Color Best of Show “Norwegian Lutheran Church” Keith French
Sm Color HM “Lotus Flower” Bob LaBarre
Sm Color HM “Ninth Floor” Bob LaBarre
Lg Color Best of Show “S Curve Light Trails“ Joshua Smith
Lg Color HM “Yankee Lady” Keith French
Sm Monoprint Best of Show “No Steeple – No People” Keith French
Sm Monoprint HM “Soulful Eyes” Thomas Allen
Lg Monoprint Best of Show “Winding Descension” Keith French
Lg Monoprint HM “Cloud Rider” Thomas Allen